Yes! You can have a writing career!

Yes! You can have a writing career!

..with courses and training created by a seasoned writer
to help you get started and level up as a freelance writer...


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In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.

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Things to keep in mind when on a client call

5 Things To Keep In Mind When On A Client Call

By ashleygainer | July 26, 2021

A client call doesn’t have to be scary. To be prepared and have a boost of confidence, there are 5 questions to ask yourself beforehand. One of the perks of being a freelance writer is getting to meet interesting people doing interesting things inside interesting businesses and organizations, and the client call is one of […]

do you need a mastermind?

Do You Need Group Coaching Or A Mastermind?

By ashleygainer | July 19, 2021

Once you enter the world of freelance service providers, it’s easy to get swept away in all the offers that are supposed to help you grow your business… such as group coaching or a mastermind group. But do you really need to join one? And if so, which one? How do you know when it’s […]

do you need a crm software as a freelance writer?

Do You Need A CRM Software As A Freelance Writer?

By ashleygainer | July 5, 2021

Do you need a CRM software? Do you even know what a CRM is? Is it worth paying for? I’m spilling all my personal CRM beans so you can make the right decision for you. What is customer relationship management software? CRM stands for customer relationship management. For our purposes, we’re thinking about the software […]

how to use the storytelling framework in your content

How To Incorporate The Storytelling Framework In Your Content

By ashleygainer | June 28, 2021

Are you a creative writer trying to get your head around freelance writing styles? Here’s something for you! Tiffany Anderson is sharing her insights about the storytelling framework and how we can apply it to the writing we do as freelancers.   Did you know there’s a story lurking in every piece of content you […]

is an email list needed to be a freelance writer?

Do You Need To Build An Email List As A Freelance Writer?

By ashleygainer | June 21, 2021

One marketing strategy for a freelance writing business is to build an email list. But do YOU need one? The answer is a solid maybe! I remember getting caught in the vortex of decisions a few different times as I considered and reconsidered my email list situation. Should I build an email list? How? What […]

do freelance writers need a website?

Freelance Writer Websites And Their Alternatives

By ashleygainer | June 14, 2021

Do you need a website to be a freelance writer? The short answer is no… but you do need something. Freelance writer websites are nice to have but not required. There are some alternatives, most of which are ideal for the non-techies and struggling perfectionists among us. Freelance writers need a portfolio Freelance writers DON’T […]

Sarah Greeley

Thank you, Ashley! By following your advice I just got my first paying gig.

Without a website or any social media presence! I used the clips I created in Clips Camp and I just decided to go for it. I would not have taken these steps to launch my freelance business without your guidance. You are so real and honest about your journey; you made freelance writing seem possible. And now it is possible for me. I have never felt more confident in myself and my abilities!

Erin Cryder

Your classes, Facebook group, Instagram, and just general approachability have really driven me to want to succeed at this.

It feels like someone is in my corner all the time. Thanks for your mentoring- keep up the great work!!

Amanda Linsky

I finally found a freelance writer/course creator I could personally relate to

I've been looking into freelance writing for over a year now. There's a lot of information out there and a lot of people who claim to be able to teach the "best" way to go about being a writer…. I prefer your down-to-earth style of teaching.

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