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How To Take A Break From Work As A Freelance Writer
A great freelancer benefit is being in charge of your own schedule. But service providers need to prepare before taking a break from work. I’m sharing 7 top tips for working out a vacation for yourself when you’re a freelance service provider, even if it’s a staycation. Years ago, I wrote this blog post on […]
Mindset Shifts: 4 Myths That Will Keep You Stuck
The biggest obstacle to your freelance writing success is that wrinkly grey blob between your ears (yer brain!). But you can work on mindset shifts to transform that obstacle. Our brains are hardwired to not do new things because new things can be dangerous. And when you’re starting out as a freelance writer, almost everything […]
Writers: Should You Create A Course?
I get many super-secret questions from freelance writers asking me if it’s time for them to create a course. Lots of people talk about the benefits of offering your own course, but it seems like many freelance writers are afraid to ask about it out loud. Are YOU ready to create your own course? I’m […]
3 Simple Tips For Writing With SEO Keywords
Everyone’s favorite mystery: writing with SEO! Sometimes it can be awkward to work with search engine optimization (SEO) keywords. Here are 3 of my best tips from my years as a freelance writer. Tip 1. It has to be natural This is really the most important–whatever you write has to make sense. It needs to […]
Internal And External Links (And Don’t Take Payment!)
Internal, external, “no-follow,” “do-follow”… this post is all about links. What you need to know, what you need to avoid, and what you need to consider when it comes to the where, when, and why of links in your copy. As a freelance writer, you’ll need to know the difference between internal and external links […]
How And When To Provide A New Client Service
How do you know when it’s time to start offering that new client service you’ve been thinking about? Or what do you do when a client or prospect asks you if you can do this other thing you’ve never done before? Here’s a step-by-step process for figuring out if now is the right time. When […]
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