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Yes! You can have a writing career!
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The Biggest Time-Wasting Mistakes New Freelance Writers Make
Are you wasting your time on these major freelance writing mistakes? If you identify with any of these, you’ll be better off stopping and changing focus so you can move forward with your freelance writing business. Spending Months on Your Website You may think that you have to have a website in order to be […]
Working From Home In The Midst Of Chaos
How do you get anything done when life is chaotic? Whether it’s a dropped nap or a global pandemic, instability can put a real damper on your productivity. In this post, I share 5 tips for keeping yourself in motion when situational difficulties make things hard. 1. Minimize Your Obligations Cut as much out as […]
How to Know If That New Course Is Worth It
Is the course worth it? When there’s hype and hysteria, ads and chatter, emails and FB posts flying around about whatever the new big course is that’s enrolling… how do you know if it’s the right move for YOU? In this post, I lay out four situations when it does make sense. Otherwise, you […]
Freelancer Mindset vs Employee Mindset
Are you stuck in employee mindset or have you made the jump to freelancer mindset? Employee mindset can totally sabotage your freelance writing success. Questions about this have been popping up recently in my free Facebook group, things like “work history” and “qualifications” and freelance writing “resumes.” Some writers felt they couldn’t move forward […]
How to Follow Up with Cold Emails
If the fortune is in the follow-up… then how do you follow up? If you’re using any kind of email strategy to find writing clients, there are a few different follow-up approaches you can take. There’s not necessarily one right way to follow up, but there are definitely things not to do! I’ll go over […]
Finding Writing Clients on Facebook
Did you know that you can find writing clients on Facebook? In this post, I’ll detail how to do this, specifically in Facebook groups and how to behave inside them. Because the last thing you want to be… is annoying. Find Your Facebook Groups First, go find your people. Where do your ideal clients hang […]
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