Yes! You can have a writing career!

Yes! You can have a writing career!

..with courses and training created by a seasoned writer
to help you get started and level up as a freelance writer...


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.

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freelancing as a single mom: my success story

Freelancing as a Single Mom: My Success Story

By ashleygainer | February 1, 2017

I was 8 months pregnant when my husband and I separated. The baby I thought I’d never have was just 5 weeks from arriving, and the plan had been for me to be a stay-at-home mom. I didn’t see it coming. Plans change — that’s no surprise to anyone. And in that moment, almost every […]

how to raise your rates (painlessly)

How to Raise Your Rates (Painlessly)

By ashleygainer | January 1, 2017

When’s the last time you gave yourself a raise? If you can’t remember, you’re overdue. The thing is, when you’re the one responsible for setting your rates — AKA deciding how much you’ll get paid — you must also be the one responsible for raising those rates. I’ll lay out a strategy you can use […]

How to hire an awesome editor with no regrets

How to hire an editor (and know it’ll be a good experience)

By ashleygainer | December 1, 2016

Maybe it’s a sales page you want to get just right. Maybe it’s the content for your new course. Maybe you’ve decided to self-publish a book to support your credibility and your brand. Whatever it is, you want to hire an editor to make sure everything looks good and won’t get you annoying emails and […]

how to start a freelance writing business

How to start a freelance writing business

By ashleygainer | November 1, 2016

One of the questions I get alllll the time when I tell people I work for myself as a freelance writer is this: How did you get started in that? Turns out, not many people know how to start a freelance writing business. That’s why this is a great question, really. What I do is pretty […]

how to survive a sick day when you work from home

The WAHM sick day survival guide: when you’ve got a little sickie at home

By ashleygainer | July 12, 2016

One of the most highly touted benefits of having a home-based business is the flexibility it affords you — and this is absolutely brought home when there’s a little one under the weather and underfoot. Having a sick child at home can certainly throw a wrench in your work plans, especially if you’ve got deadline […]

what to do when your client disappears

When your client disappears, here’s what to do

By ashleygainer | June 7, 2016

Crickets… Not what you want in your inbox when you’re waiting to hear from a client. One minute, you were trucking productively along; the next, you’re at a critical juncture with deafening silence from the other end. So what do you do when your client disappears? If you’re still negotiating In the preliminary back-and-forth with […]

Sarah Greeley

Thank you, Ashley! By following your advice I just got my first paying gig.

Without a website or any social media presence! I used the clips I created in Clips Camp and I just decided to go for it. I would not have taken these steps to launch my freelance business without your guidance. You are so real and honest about your journey; you made freelance writing seem possible. And now it is possible for me. I have never felt more confident in myself and my abilities!

Erin Cryder

Your classes, Facebook group, Instagram, and just general approachability have really driven me to want to succeed at this.

It feels like someone is in my corner all the time. Thanks for your mentoring- keep up the great work!!

Amanda Linsky

I finally found a freelance writer/course creator I could personally relate to

I've been looking into freelance writing for over a year now. There's a lot of information out there and a lot of people who claim to be able to teach the "best" way to go about being a writer…. I prefer your down-to-earth style of teaching.

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