kick-starting the weekend

When you’re a service provider, especially an online service provider, they say YOU are your most important client.

In other words, whatever service you offer, you need to make sure you do your absolute best at THAT thing, for yourself.

If you’re a copywriter, you need awesome website copy.

If you’re an email person, you need to have the back end sales engine set up.

If you’re an SEO expert, you need to be getting found in search.

And so on.

And if you want to keep the lights on permanently, you need to reserve some time every day (or every week) to strengthen your

Don’t fall in the trap of ONLY doing client work.

Some people say to take the first hour or two hours of every day.

That didn’t work for me in times when my schedule was sporadic (which has been lots of the time what with all the kids).

So for the most part, I’ve tried to reserve one day-ish a week to work on my own stuff.

These days, I more or less keep two Fridays a month open for my own projects.

(This is why my workshops and stuff have all been on Fridays.)

So Fridays are when I’ll record my podcast and they’re when I’ll do live teaching and calls and they’re when I will make updates
to my courses and plan my campaigns and build my new funnels.

On the docket for this coming Friday:

Record a podcast or two, and then start dusting off my courses and deciding who’s gonna get reintroduced to the market first.

My courses were really, really good when I made them — and I’d argue that most of them are still really, really good.

They just need some updating.

I’ve grown a lot and have more to give. That’s part of it.

But also, we’ve had the Rise of the Robots since my last writing-specific courses went out the door.

And AI changed everything.

I’ve been using AI as a writing assistant more this year, and I want (and arguably need) to include some teaching on how to work
with AI effectively and ethically.

Soooooo I’ll be mapping all that out this coming Friday.

One of the things that has helped me immensely with learning to use AI in ways I’m comfortable with — but in ways I never would
have thought of myself — is the AI Copy Club.

It’s a low-priced monthly membership loaded with trainings, support, demonstrations, a super active FB group, and even coworking

For just $9/mo it has answered every question I’ve ever had about AI, given me ideas for how to use it, and shown me exactly how
to pull it off.

If you’re curious about how AI could fit into your business (and even your personal life), I’d recommend you check it out.

Here’s my referral link:

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Ashley (24) (1)

After working with dozens of brilliant, hard-working entrepreneurs as a freelance writer, I learned a thing or two about great content. Now I bring my years of experience, practice, and self-study to bloggers and businesses that want to nail it in the content game.


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