LAST CALL for the winners!

It’s Friday and my kids don’t have school, so for the second time in a week I slept in.

I feel a little bit like a new person.

And by “new person” I mean “bets are on me NOT ending up in the looney bin today.”

Then again… I have the whole day with my kids, so it could still get a little touch and go.

They started trickling into my room one by one around 6:30 and we had some morning cuddles.

At 7 there was a critical mass of screeching boy and I threw them all out. They’re all now watching the new Bluey.

In about an hour I will need to take my van to the shop, I’ve got some loose ends to tie up for the agency and for a couple
private clients, and at some point we’re going to do birthday pizza with Gramma.

I’m also leading the Email Intensive this afternoon, which I’m looking forward to.

Those are the only things on the agenda, and it’s pretty nice to have a chill day.

Also of note:

Sunday is the last day to get your hands on the Ditch the Algo, Win In the Inbox micro audio summit.

In case you missed it — this is a collection of 8 audio-recorded interviews talking about different ways to make more sales with email.

These are some great conversations — highly recommended.

And I’m not just saying that because i’m one of ’em 😇

Anyway, if you still want in, you can get yours here:

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Ashley (24) (1)

After working with dozens of brilliant, hard-working entrepreneurs as a freelance writer, I learned a thing or two about great content. Now I bring my years of experience, practice, and self-study to bloggers and businesses that want to nail it in the content game.


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