running on that new skills energy

Judging by the response to yesterday’s email, I am not the only cranky grammarian lurking these hallowed halls.

It’s good to be among my people 😅

So if you’re a freelancer like me, you are probably preparing for THE SHIFT.

If you have kiddos in school, you probably have a couple of weeks left before they’re all home for summer break…

But my 4yo only has 3 days left in preschool — starting Friday, he’ll be home with me all day.

It’s one of those several transition times we feel during the year.

My big transition times tend to be kind of quarterly-ish… June with the end of school, September with the start of school,
December/January with holiday-palooza and then a new year, and then for me there’s some transitiony-ness in April around my

I haven’t really got my head around the summer break yet, but I’m starting to think about it.

I will likely stick with my early rising schedule and, since I can skip the school commutes and whatnot, try to wrap my work by 2
or 3 most days.

That’ll leave the afternoons for gallivanting at the pool and whatnot.

But I’m also thinking through ways to keep my kids occupied and, to a lesser extent, entertaied.

Summer camps are few and far between for us.

(At $300/week average, per kid, with 4 kids, it adds up a little too fast for my budget.)

So I’m thinking about projects.

Everybody has sumner projects.

And they’ll have workbooks, too.

(You can take the kid out of homeschool but you can’t take the homeschool out of the kid!)

One kid wants to get better at writing cursive.

One kid wants to dive into math.

Two kids will probably need some direction.

I’m thinking a drawing skills thing for one and some kind of fine motor thing for the youngest. Maybe cutting and folding.

I want each of them to get good at household tasks.

I want each of them to declutter and maybe even minimize their belongings.

(Me, too, but that’ll take the whole freaking summer I fear.)

And I want the older 3 to pick up some kitchen skills.

Everybody picks a dish they master, whether it’s quesadillas or brownies or the perfect lemonade.

I think we might take a swing around the Outschool class calendar, too.

I’s fun to think about the possibilities.

Summer of Skills.

Maybe we can have our own summer of skills, too.

What’s a copywriting skill — or other digital marketing skill you’d like to develop this summer?

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Ashley (24) (1)

After working with dozens of brilliant, hard-working entrepreneurs as a freelance writer, I learned a thing or two about great content. Now I bring my years of experience, practice, and self-study to bloggers and businesses that want to nail it in the content game.


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