Yes! You can have a writing career!

Yes! You can have a writing career!

..with courses and training created by a seasoned writer
to help you get started and level up as a freelance writer...


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.

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How to get your work done when you aren't motivated

How to Find Motivation as a Freelance Writer

By ashleygainer | November 15, 2019

All right y’all. I keep getting questions about how to find motivation as a freelance writer and my head is about to pop off. (How’s for a hook?) No question out there makes me cringe as hard as “how do I find motivation as a freelancer when I don’t feel like doing it?” I hate […]

The difference between blogging and freelance blogging

The Difference between Blogging and Freelance Blogging

By ashleygainer | November 8, 2019

There’s a difference between blogging and freelance blogging, but they are related. It’s obviously confusing to some though as far as what I teach, because I get a surprising number of questions about blogging itself, so I’m going to do what I can to help clarify.  The main difference is one you do for yourself […]

How I stay organized in a busy freelance writing business

The Paper Whiteboard: My Best Productivity Hack for Writers

By ashleygainer | November 1, 2019

What the heck is a paper whiteboard? This question came up in one of the live sessions in my Facebook group, the Ink Well Guild. It’s always awesome to hang out with everybody, and during that live I held up this thing that I call my paper whiteboard and someone said, “what’s a paper whiteboard?”  […]

where to build your first website (and look like a professional)

Where Should I Build My First Freelance Writer Website?

By ashleygainer | October 15, 2019

Aaaaah, the freelance writer website. It’s the star of one of the main questions I get: How do I build a website for my freelance writing business? This feels like a big, heavy, loaded, momentous question for the person asking it. Your website is your calling card! It’s how you’ll be represented out there in […]

Other services freelance writers can offer

Services to Offer With Freelance Writing

By ashleygainer | October 1, 2019

Once you go into freelance writing, are there other options besides writing that can open up?  For writing, all you need is a laptop and a notebook to do your job; you don’t need a stationary office with the desk chair and whatever. It’s also true of the actual work that we do. We are […]

Where to find writing clients that pay better than UpWork

Where to Find Freelance Writing Clients that Pay Better than Upwork

By ashleygainer | September 17, 2019

Something that everyone wants to know is how to find freelance writing clients that pay better than Upwork.  Sure, there are some success stories on Upwork… but most of the time it’s miserable pay for meh clients. For new freelance writers, this is the part of the process where I see major dropoff… the client-finding […]

Sarah Greeley

Thank you, Ashley! By following your advice I just got my first paying gig.

Without a website or any social media presence! I used the clips I created in Clips Camp and I just decided to go for it. I would not have taken these steps to launch my freelance business without your guidance. You are so real and honest about your journey; you made freelance writing seem possible. And now it is possible for me. I have never felt more confident in myself and my abilities!

Erin Cryder

Your classes, Facebook group, Instagram, and just general approachability have really driven me to want to succeed at this.

It feels like someone is in my corner all the time. Thanks for your mentoring- keep up the great work!!

Amanda Linsky

I finally found a freelance writer/course creator I could personally relate to

I've been looking into freelance writing for over a year now. There's a lot of information out there and a lot of people who claim to be able to teach the "best" way to go about being a writer…. I prefer your down-to-earth style of teaching.

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