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Do Your Freelance Business YOUR Way
A major attraction of freelancing is being able to run your own business. Instead of just following everyone else’s advice, you get to do your freelance business YOUR way. Other’s advice might work for them, but it doesn’t have to work for you. This is your reminder to make your own rules. How to market […]
5 Steps To Help You Set Up Your Copywriter Rate Sheet
The dreaded question… What do you charge for that? I have lots of workarounds for NOT answering that question when I’m on the spot and not totally sure what to say, but I also know it’s important to give a real number in some contexts. Thus, the copywriter rate sheet. What is a Copywriter Rate […]
Why A LinkedIn Profile Is Essential For Serious Freelance Writers
You need a LinkedIn profile if you’re serious about freelancing. Here’s why: I recently did some digging into my students’ success stories. And you know what? The successful ones all have a LinkedIn profile. I also did some poking around with my colleagues and peers. Same thing… they all have LinkedIn profiles. Now, these profiles […]
How To Smash Writer’s Block In Conversion Copywriting
The blank page. The blinking cursor. Welcome to writer’s block, a.k.a., every writer’s nightmare. How are you supposed to know what to write when you don’t know what to write? Well, my friend, if you’re in the field of conversion copywriting, I’ve got you covered. Conversion copywriting Writing for conversion is different from […]
Basic Self-Care: The Importance Of Downtime
When you’re running a freelance writing business, it can be easy to slip into the “I should be working” mode around the clock. But this isn’t sustainable. You need some basic self-care to keep from burning out. Importance of self-care We’re writers, and writers create. But creation depletes us. It consumes our mental, […]
Starting A Freelancing Business: 3 Things You Can Do To Make Yours Official
Are you starting a freelancing business? If so, you want to make sure that it’s legit. Or maybe you already have clients and are making money but your significant other still sees this as your hobby for “pocket change,” and you want your business to be taken seriously. Well, these are 3 things I recommend […]
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