be careful what you wish for

Months ago, LastPass released a new feature. Something about auto-filling things like addresses and credit cards, in addition to the password thing.

When I got a popup or something asking me if I’d like to enable this feature, I naively checked YES.

And LastPass has been torturing me every day since.

Now, every time I enter any information — not just a password but a phone number, address, credit card, any of that stuff — I get 3 popups competing for my attention.

(LastPass, Chrome, and iCloud.)

It is… crazymaking.

A few weeks ago I’d finally had it and decided to go into LastPass and turn it off.

Only problem was… I couldn’t find the setting.

After wasting entirely too much time, I had to get back to real actual work that mattered, so I closed out the window and decided to “figure it out later.”

About a week ago after getting supremely annoyed again, I googled “turn off LasPass autofill” and then, because I’m stupid-busy, I left the window open to get to whenever I got to it.

You know how it is.

Well anyway… I woke up this morning and decided today was the day.

So I went over to that old search window and followed the instructions.

I wish I’d set a timer, y’all, because if I had to guess…

It took maybe 20 seconds to fix the issue.

If that.

A whole 20 seconds to save weeks of frustration.

There are several lessons in here.

But one of ’em is…

We tend to overestimate how long it takes to do a lot of stuff.

One of those things being email.

When really, the more you do it, and the more you shift into the mindset of “let me just take care of this,” the faster it will get done.

This is definitely true of email.

And especially daily email.

When you commit to writing an email every day, you find ways to make it happen quickly.

That’s just how it is.

I used to spend an hour or more on every email, back when I started.

Now it’s typically under 20 minutes.

Could you send a daily email if it took you less than 20 minutes?

Something to think about.

And if your answer is “sure, if I knew what to send,” then I have two things for you:

1. My book isn’t ready but when it is, it’ll be a big help to you in the “knowing what to send” department.

2. There’s some really good email training inside Copy Chief that will help you figure out what to send, when, and in what order.

Plus there are a bunch of daily emails in there.

One of the many reasons I am now all shouty about my long-standing love for Copy Chief.

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Ashley (24) (1)

After working with dozens of brilliant, hard-working entrepreneurs as a freelance writer, I learned a thing or two about great content. Now I bring my years of experience, practice, and self-study to bloggers and businesses that want to nail it in the content game.


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