Will says he knew he wanted to be with me from the very first time we chatted on Hinge.
As the story goes, I had asked a question about his job, he answered honestly, and at that point had an epiphany.
He wasn't happy there, doing what he was doing.
So he logged off our chat right then and there, and wrote his resignation letter.
Only problem is, he's their best guy (my opinion, possibly biased)...
So the boss refused to accept his resignation and assigned him somewhere else instead (this part's 100% true).
He didn't want to leave the company -- he talks about being there for the rest of his career. The problem was working the shift he was on.
So he's been back on days -- has been since before we were dating.
And when I'd mentioned that I was trying to make a habit of getting up at 5am, he offered to start calling me, since he was up anyway.
And it worked!
And it still works.
So let me tell you a little about Will.
He's an "armed transport guard" or what they internally refer to as a messenger.
In other words, he's the guy who drives the armored trucks.
Every morning he gets up at the crack of dawn and puts on his boots and his holster and his bullet-proof vest. Bunch of other stuff too.
This dude loves his job.
LOVES his freaking job.
I'm happy for him -- not all of us get to do something we love, but he and I both do and it's pretty cool.
I try not to worry about him being out there carrying around huge bags of money with a target on his back...
And fortunately his career has been mostly incident-free.
But still, he wears the kevlar vest every day.
And that means... sometimes... he's gotta wash it.
So it's time to wash the vest, he told me this morning.
How does one wash a bulletproof vest, I inquired.
And then... I got the lowdown.
Take these things out. Check the pockets. Put it this way in the washer.
You can't use this detergent because it won't wash off and it makes it all shiny.
Use Dawn if you need to, but just a drop and put it in at a particular point in the cycle.
Air dry, always.
He even has these special hangers for the vest, and they're so big and honkin' they practically look like weapons themselves.
Honestly, my eyes sorta glazed over.
You tell me I need to write a million-dollar funnel and I'm there. But tell me, the woman who does 2 loads of laundry a day, that I need to wash one measly little bulletproof vest, and I'm out.
Too complicated.
How washing a single article of clothing could be more complicated than writing a full funnel with emails... seems like it makes no sense.
But I've been writing funnels since 2017.
And my first million-dollar funnel dropped in 2020.
So like... I'm there. I've got it.
At this point it's easy.
Well... if not easy, then straightforward.
Solidify the offer, find the angle, write the copy.
Most of what I've learned about offers, I learned from Julie Chenell.
And most of what I've learned about true direct response copy, I learned from Copy Chief.
I've taken a couple copywriting courses, including the big name ones... but the one I liked the most was the 4x6 method that Kevin Rogers teaches.
(That and the book Ray Edwards wrote.)
I don't know if 4x6 is still available on its own, but it lives inside Copy Chief.
One of the many reasons I recommend Copy Chief if you want to get better at any kind of copywriting.
Interested? You can learn more and join at my aff link here:

how to wash a bulletproof vest
Posted in writing