Yes! You can have a writing career!

Yes! You can have a writing career!

..with courses and training created by a seasoned writer
to help you get started and level up as a freelance writer...


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In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.

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My favorite Facebook groups to finding writing clients

Finding Writing Clients on Facebook

By ashleygainer | March 16, 2020

Did you know that you can find writing clients on Facebook? In this post, I’ll detail how to do this, specifically in Facebook groups and how to behave inside them. Because the last thing you want to be… is annoying. Find Your Facebook Groups First, go find your people. Where do your ideal clients hang […]

How and why to make a freelance writing rate sheet

How and Why to Make a Freelance Writing Rate Guide

By ashleygainer | March 10, 2020

Your writing rates are possibly one of the biggest decisions you’ll have to make as a freelance writer. This decision alone can set the course for your business, good or bad. One of the best tools I know of to help you set — and stick to — your rates is the rate guide. In […]

websites that pay better than upwork

Websites that Pay Better than UpWork

By ashleygainer | March 6, 2020

Stuck on Upwork? Racing to the bottom on Fiverr? Hating life in those freelancer marketplaces? Good news! This post is all about websites that pay better than Upwork and the like. I want you to get off Upwork, Fiverr, and all those other race-to-the-bottom, pennies-per-word sites. You are worth more! You should charge at least […]

Copywriting versus content writing: income potential

How Much Can You Make with Content Writing vs. Copywriting?

By ashleygainer | February 27, 2020

For the longest time I avoided copywriting because I was intimidated by it. I stuck with content writing because I knew I was good at it and could do it. So I want to help demystify things for others with my courses, Facebook group, podcast, and everything I do. Why choose one over the other […]

Handling requests for discounted rates

Should You Discount Your Rates as a Freelance Writer?

By ashleygainer | February 18, 2020

How do you handle it when a prospective or even a current client wants a discount on your freelance writing services? Should you discount your rates as a freelance writer? I know how it is to deal with clients who don’t take you seriously: “Hey, there’s this other person who can do this cheaper. Can […]

Should you accept low pay for the experience?

Should You Accept Low Pay for the Experience?

By ashleygainer | February 11, 2020

Is it okay for freelance writers to accept low pay (or even no pay!) for the experience? For getting your name out there? For the most part, no way, José! But of course, there are a few exceptions… My Kids Love Eating Exposure For Dinner I’m the breadwinner in our family, which means I actually […]

Sarah Greeley

Thank you, Ashley! By following your advice I just got my first paying gig.

Without a website or any social media presence! I used the clips I created in Clips Camp and I just decided to go for it. I would not have taken these steps to launch my freelance business without your guidance. You are so real and honest about your journey; you made freelance writing seem possible. And now it is possible for me. I have never felt more confident in myself and my abilities!

Erin Cryder

Your classes, Facebook group, Instagram, and just general approachability have really driven me to want to succeed at this.

It feels like someone is in my corner all the time. Thanks for your mentoring- keep up the great work!!

Amanda Linsky

I finally found a freelance writer/course creator I could personally relate to

I've been looking into freelance writing for over a year now. There's a lot of information out there and a lot of people who claim to be able to teach the "best" way to go about being a writer…. I prefer your down-to-earth style of teaching.

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