Yes! You can have a writing career!
Yes! You can have a writing career!
..with courses and training created by a seasoned writer
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what my favorite Disney princess teaches us about freelancing and imposter syndrome
Aside from the culturally obligatory obsession with Ariel among girls my age, I was never much of a Disney girl…until somewhat recently. Barring that one time in college when I was dragged to the 50-cent theater to see Finding Nemo with my marine science buddy, I basically didn’t watch any Disney movies for about 20 […]
Three Things You Need To Be A Freelance Writer
Everywhere you look, there’s someone talking about what you need to be a freelance writer. Computer, check. Google Drive, check. Email address just for work, check. On and on and on the list goes. But there’s more than just “stuff” and “digital stuff” that you need if you want to make it in this gig. […]
Why freelancing is better than direct sales
A lot of people, especially women, and especially at-home moms, are looking for ways to contribute to the family finances without having to take a “job-job” that pulls them out of the home. Something that can be done from home, on their schedule, without taking up a million hours and a billion dollars is the […]
5 reasons why freelance writing is the best job for at-home moms
Freelance writing changed my life — I make no bones about that. What began as an experiment in 2010 after relocating for my then-husband’s job (a “hmm, I wonder if I can turn this into something that brings in more than I made in my last job” experiment) became my lifeline when that marriage imploded […]
How to take a vacation when you’re a freelancer
You need a vacation. And guess what! You can take one. Even if you work for yourself. Especially if you work for yourself. When you’re pouring every spare moment into building your business, pitching for new clients, getting work, and (yay!) juggling a full load of writing assignments, it can seem like it’s impossible to […]
Major milestone report (hint: affiliate marketing)
Today’s post is a little bit different than what you’ll typically find. I’m going to pull the curtain back a little bit and show you something that’s been going on behind the scenes. Don’t worry — nothing too scary, I promise! It should be no surprise to you that some of these links are affiliate […]
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