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Yes! You can have a writing career!
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Set Your Writing Business Up for the New Year
The new year is a great time to plan and look ahead, whether your new year starts the traditional way on January 1 or whether you prefer to start at the beginning of a school year (maybe you’re juggling kids and your business!). To help you out, I’ll give you some specific things you can […]
What Happens When a Client Doesn’t Like Your Work
Huge freelancer fear: what happens when a client doesn’t like your work? Huge freelancer reality: this is a risk we all take. So the terrible moment arrives, you submit something you’ve written and your freelance client hates it. What do you do? This recently came up in a live Q&A in my Facebook group, the […]
Should You Discount Your Rates as a Freelance Writer?
How do you handle it when a prospective or even a current client wants you to discount your rates as a freelance writer? I know how it is to deal with clients who don’t take you seriously: “Hey, there’s this other person who can do this cheaper. Can you do it cheaper?” Sometimes cheaper means […]
How to Ask for Work Without Being a Weirdo
Have you ever stared at your calendar with dread, knowing you had some gaps to fill and no work to fill it? One of the best ways I’ve found is to ASK for work–and I don’t mean pitching. I’ll share what I do and what I’ve seen tons of other successful writers do when it’s […]
8 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore with Prospective Clients
You’re excited–you’ve got a prospective client. But you’re also a little worried. Are there any red flags you should be looking for? Here are eight common red flags I’ve come across. I’ll save you some trouble! Editing by Committee This first red flag was discussed recently in my free Facebook group, the Ink Well Guild. […]
Goal Setting and Quarterly Planning for Freelance Writers
I mentioned the other day that I was doing my quarterly planning, and a ton of people wrote in asking for more… so here it is! Quarterly planning for freelance writers. Freelance writers need goals, too–they’re not just for big companies. (We need to eat, y’all!) But don’t let the terms bore you. Goal setting […]
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