Yes! You can have a writing career!

Yes! You can have a writing career!

..with courses and training created by a seasoned writer
to help you get started and level up as a freelance writer...


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.


Get My Best Insider Tips No One Else Is Teaching

In this masterclass, we'll cover my three core frameworks for growing a freelance writing business that THRIVES...

with or without a niche.

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writing samples

Help me pick a writing niche

Just tell me how to get started!

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beautiful silo dwelling

By ashleygainer | August 9, 2023

Years ago, I heard a rumor that they were going to turn the Hershey cocoa bean silos into sweet apartment digs.  I have a particular interest in the fate of these silos, so I was happy to hear the news.  The original Hershey factory had been torn down years ago (though not before I got […]

be careful what you wish for

By ashleygainer | August 8, 2023

Months ago, LastPass released a new feature. Something about auto-filling things like addresses and credit cards, in addition to the password thing. When I got a popup or something asking me if I’d like to enable this feature, I naively checked YES. And LastPass has been torturing me every day since. Now, every time I […]

this one’s 20 years in the making

By ashleygainer | August 7, 2023

It’s no secret that I don’t get out much. I live in Rural NC, I work from home, and I’m managing a household swarming with kids. Any time I want to go do something without said swarm of kids, I have to either foist them onto someone or pay a sitter. I used to joke […]

a new email template for you

By ashleygainer | July 21, 2023

So… something interesting is brewing at the ol’ day job. We let go of our sales team. Instead of sales calls, we’re switching to an entirely email-driven sales process. Apparently this is something we did before the sales team was brought on. It’s a proven model, just requires some time to set up. This week […]

freelance writer resource roundup

Freelance Writer Resources Roundup: My favorite resources for freelance writers!

By ashleygainer | October 7, 2022

Last update: October 6, 2022   Here’s a collection of some of my favorite resources for freelance writers. These are all things I’ve read and used in my own business, and they’re worth sharing with you! As I find great stuff, I’ll keep updating this post for you. Pin this page so you can refer […]

why I love copy audits (and 11 reasons you will, too)

Why I Love Copy Audits (and 11 Reasons You Will, Too)

By ashleygainer | July 11, 2022

Copy audits are a type of copywriting service that are less about the writing and more about you leveraging your knowledge and expertise. It’s not a service for beginners to offer, but it’s definitely something to have on your radar for the future.   What is a copy audit?   The only context I had […]

Sarah Greeley

Thank you, Ashley! By following your advice I just got my first paying gig.

Without a website or any social media presence! I used the clips I created in Clips Camp and I just decided to go for it. I would not have taken these steps to launch my freelance business without your guidance. You are so real and honest about your journey; you made freelance writing seem possible. And now it is possible for me. I have never felt more confident in myself and my abilities!

Erin Cryder

Your classes, Facebook group, Instagram, and just general approachability have really driven me to want to succeed at this.

It feels like someone is in my corner all the time. Thanks for your mentoring- keep up the great work!!

Amanda Linsky

I finally found a freelance writer/course creator I could personally relate to

I've been looking into freelance writing for over a year now. There's a lot of information out there and a lot of people who claim to be able to teach the "best" way to go about being a writer…. I prefer your down-to-earth style of teaching.

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